Posted by MJ on 3:49 PM
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Day 13- Biggest Loser 30-Day Jumpstart
Digging Deep is all about pushing yourself further, farther, and harder than you "think you can". I did that today - to an extent. I thought I was done at 200 m, that I couldn't go on, but as I was about to stop a thought crossed my mind that said "yes you can" and I did.. completing the entire 400m (see details in the exercise section)
I think the fact that I'm working to become a runner at all is evidence of pushing myself. No one would look at me (as I am now) and say "oh, yeah she's a runner" but I believe I can be and I'm going to.
Everyday when I head out for my walks/runs I tell myself "It's only 30 minutes, push yourself, what have you got to lose?, it's just 30 minutes then you're done" With this going through my head I find myself pushing a little faster, swinging my arms a little harder, seeing the scenery rushing past just a tad bit quicker.

Day 13 - Exercise
Today I had to calibrate my nike+ iPod sensor. I went to our high school track and am now slightly mystified by how this worked. It would seem I would tell it I want to go .4km and then I would go that far and tell it when I'm done so it knows about how many steps it took me. But it was keeping track of the distance as I went and I ask HOW can it do that if it doesn't know my step size? Anyway... the first 400 m I did, didn't count. So I did it again. Then I had to RUN 400m (the shortest distance available for calibrating) Well.. I haven't RUN in MONTHS. (March to be exact). I did it. It was hard. I'm definitely not ready to run yet. Although I did well for the first 200 (roughly 2 minutes) then it was just forcing myself to finish. So I think all in all I went about 1.4 km. Then I took a break, stopped at Giant Eagle to get more Powerade Zero -- which curiously does have a few calories according to their nutrition guide (strawberry has the most at 3 cal/8 oz , mixed berry has 1.9 cal/8 oz, and grape has 2.0/8oz.) still a much better ratio then the Gatorade I was drinking that was 50 cal/8oz!
When I got home I went for my usual walk in the park. The first 5 minutes of my walks is usually the distance from my house to the park. Today I was just enjoying the day and decided to "restart" my time when I got to the park. I guess I ended up moving a little faster than I thought -- or maybe my calibrating didn't work quite right.. but according to all my sources (lol) I went for 3.25 km. I guess I have nothing left but to accept it. =) Of course this left my 5 minute or so walk home.
Overall today I calculate that I went a total of about 6 km.


