Day 8- Biggest Loser 30-Day Jumpstart


Today's advice is one I have already considered. The idea that you don't always need a gym to workout. Even when traveling there is always somewhere to workout. I choose my hotels based on if they have fitness rooms -- in the winter. Or for example, when I went to Windsor there was a walking trail right by the hotel that I was able to walk/run up and down each day for as long as I wanted.
This is one of the reasons why I want to become a runner -- I want to be able to workout NO MATTER WHERE I am.

I have some plans for more family time and hopefully greater success in nutrition on the homefront. I think I'm going to call a "family meeting" (as mentioned earlier) and see if we can all agree on food issues but also I want to see if mom will work with me this summer to create a few "t-shirt quilts" with me. I also want to see if Dad will go walking with me at least 4 days a week -- at his pace. I'll do my regular workout IN ADDITION to those walks. I hope they agree!!

I started a few new lists over on the side -- one to track sleep and one to track actual weight lost. I haven't decided on what official day my weigh in will be. I'm thinking the day after rest day is NOT a good day. Maybe I'll do it ON rest day. hmmm.. still thinking about it.

Day 8- Exercise

My shins hurt. Or more precisely, my left shin hurts. I know I was taking steps way too big for me. Today I tried to fix it for most of my walk but I think I picked up again at the end. I did get rid of the pain in my shoulder and the stitch in my side -- neither of which I mentioned before.
On every walk before I read my new Runners' magazine I had a terrible pain in my right shoulder by about half way. -- yes, heart attack crossed my mind-- but I know I'm not THAT out of shape and it stopped as soon as I would stop walking and start again when I started. I figured I was too tense in my shoulders and tried to relax but it didn't seem to work. I tried to flex my fingers and not make fists. The magazine recommended pressing your index finger into your thumb, making a circle. WOW it's unbelievable how well it worked. My shoulder hasn't bothered me since. It's amazing how much tension those fingers can absorb like that.

The stitch in my side was more annoying than anything else, but the magazine also said to pay attention to which foot was leading and to switch it. I have found that if I take a deeper, longer breath it tends to switch my foot and it works! WOOHOO!

Today's walk was nice. I went 2.95 km. I'm happy with that. I still get those urges to just run. But I'm holding back. I want to be in the right place before I start running again.

I saw a commercial yesterday -- it was legal tv, I promise -- for a new Powerade Zero. -- Sportsdrink, no calories. So today at Walmart I bought some, of course they only had Grape and Strawberry. Tonight I tried the grape, it is thankfully "watered down". Not nearly as potent as I feared it might be. whew. It came in a 32 oz bottle, so 1/2 will be back in the fridge for tomorrow.

I think I've spent enough time on the computer today. I'm going to go get a shower, some ice, and start reading my new book and actually go to bed early!!!


Unknown said...

Woo Hoo I can comment now! ;-)

So what I tried to post earlier was "Woo Hoo I made the team!!".

And as for now... more power to you for wanting to be a runner. I still dread running when it comes up in my workouts... like today's four rounds of 400m run + 50 air squats. I will have to try you tips about the shoulder and stitch as I've had those too.

I still need to get better with my eating as well, however, I only have myself to blame. I'm good during the work week day, but not so good with dinners and weekends still. But I'm working on it and am suppose to meet up with a guy from my gym to talk about nutrition this week which will hopefully help me get on track.

