Posted by MJ on 10:51 PM

Day 17- Biggest Loser 30-day Jump Start

The theme of the day is scale obsession. They warn that weighing yourself too often will give false information -- meaning that daily fluctuations are normal and seeing them (on the not so good side) may lead to a bad mood and make you more likely to give up. On the plus side, seeing a good improvement may lead to a bigger disappointment the next time you step on.

In the past I've been very -- weigh myself everyday-- I'm a numbers person. I need to see the numbers. I also know I did take into consideration that daily my weight would fluctuate and I wouldn't be too hard on myself if I gained .3 lbs overnight. (there's a decimal in front of that 3!)

This time I've decided that I'm only going to weigh in on "weigh in" days. Allowing myself a FEW (like 2) sneak peaks midway through the week. But I'm not going to be obsessive. In fact, maybe I'll leave the scale in the basement. I was working on a way to bring it up -- since I like to wear as little as possible when I weigh in. But I think I can do it in the basement. That's settled.

Exercise Day 17 -
Ok so I'm not quite back ALL THE WAY. I had intentions of going for a "walk" but it didn't happen. I worked in the basement all day (after I recovered from an upset stomach). My food is not the greatest -- I'm finishing up my Papa John's from Monday. Tomorrow should be a good clean eating day.

Burpee -
Well, I did it. In fact I did 3 of them today. (had to make up for yesterday -1, plus today's 2) I'm not saying they are easy and I'm kinda scared about doing more than 10 of them, but singularly they weren't that bad. I'm sure my push-ups aren't up to standard, but I figure, I controlled myself on the way down ... I went ALL THE WAY DOWN.... then pushed myself up and made sure I was "jumping" into and out of the squats -- no cheating by walking out. So I did ok. I need to find somewhere with a higher ceiling though!
Thanks Ben for the cool Gadget that will track my Burpees!
I also think I recruited a new follower - Alex, she said she'd give it a whirl too!

I was curious about the crazy name and found a really good answer - I believe it anyway....
"Why are they called Burpees, Anyway?"
scroll down to Laroo's answer!

P.S. I finally took my Wii Active out of the box. (but that's as far as it got)... baby steps. =)


Unknown said...

Way to go on you first set of burpees! And thanks for the post about the name... I wondered too, but never got around to looking it up.

Irene said...

LOL about the Burpees. Congrats on getting those done!

