Posted by MJ on 11:59 PM
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I've been lost. I hate that I let myself get de-railed so easily. I get caught up in work, and such and let things THAT ARE IMPORTANT TO ME get pushed aside.

My food has been terrible. I've not logged it very well. I've lost all the progress that I had made and have been afraid to get back on the scale. But WED I will weigh in like I'm supposed to!!

Fortunately, while food has been less than desirable and I haven't had any "regular workouts" I've been active. I packed up my classroom, tore down computers in 7 other classrooms, helped a friend finish her room, helped my parents paint their room (moving furniture in and out, too), moved my "bedroom" upstairs (also cleaning out Mom's stuff from my new room) -- this included hauling a full sized bed downstairs and a Queen sized one Upstairs. I then golfed 36 holes in less than 48 hours, and moved furniture out of my parents' room (-- yes, again) so the carpet could be scrubbed and I spent today working on cleaning, sorting, rearranging, and reorganizing the basement (aka my office, workout area, living room, and parents' storage area)

Today I was also invited to join the "Burpee 100 Day Challenge." Essentially on day 1 I do 1 of these crazy squat/pushup/jump thingies. Then on day 2, I do 2 of them, all the way until day 100. Apparently it started today.. so I'm already a day behind, which means I have to do 3 tomorrow. YIKES. (2 for tomorrow and 1 for today) I don't even know if I can DO a pushup, let alone go from a pushup to a squat to jumping in the air -- but this is all about pushing myself right?

Here's where I stand. I have 19 days until my cousin's wedding. I'm going to pick up tomorrow on Day 17 of my Biggest Loser Jumpstart.

Week 4 for Mondays was about preparing for disasters. It kind of runs counter to the mission I am on right now -- which is to get rid of all extra stuff that I don't really need -- but I am working on getting some of the other items together -- like a mutual relative to call in case of emergency, etc.

I'll blog about Week 5 in a few days.. or maybe tomorrow. We'll see.

I'm back to the point of being disgusted when I look in the mirror. so I'm done. I'm ready to go. This ENDS. I am NOT that girl anymore. I have plans. I'm going to work towards them at ANY cost!!!


Irene said...

Good luck with the burpee challenge. I can do 5 before I have to really catch my breath. Always something to work on.

Miss you posting!

Unknown said...

Yay burpees! Push-ups are one of the things on my "suck list", so this should help me improve those. I'm glad you decided to join me in the challenge... Let do this!!

