Posted by MJ on 7:46 PM

Day 24- Biggest Loser 30-Day Jumpstart

They state the same advice we all know, and try to follow:
Don't be too hungry when you get there.
Have a plan!
Remember the big picture (it's not your last meal... )
Avoid "All You Can Eat"
Control your environment (you know, don't leave the chips in snacking distance)

These are great pieces of advice. I am more concerned with the planning one. My schedule has been thrown a curve ball and I'm rushing to get caught up and re-settled. I now will have two classes in Canton, then one in Kent. But I will also have one in Canton through August. Of course I still plan on driving to Kent to workout. It's crazy. Don't ask! (just check on me to make sure I'm still alive every now and then!)

Exercise Day 24
Cross Fit (day 1)
Well, I got up really early and went to "the Barn." I was lead through a "dynamic warm-up" of several different kinds of lunges (some backwards), some knee-up stretches, an imaginary hurdle to go over and under. I'm sure all these things have real names, but I don't know them yet. Then I learned how to do an Air Squat. Then after doing several of those, I had to do a 10 minute rotation between the rowing machine and the air squats. (100m/10squats) I ended up doing 5 rounds plus an additional row -- I was around 750 m.
After all that I did some leg stretches. As far as Toby (the coach) was concerned I was done.. but I had Burpees left to do!

Burpees Day 9-
So after my first CrossFit workout, I then did NINE burpees. The first 4 were startlingly easy. I mean I felt like an athlete. I broke up the last 5 into 2-2-1 and took breaks in between sets. But I did them. That's a total of 45!!! Can you believe it?!?!

Food today:
I don't know the details of the CrossFit diet, but here's what I had today.

2 scrambled eggs
protein shake made with about 12 ounces of milk- 1% (instead of 8)

1 Serving of turkey
Kent State High Protein/low Carb "shake"

Subway 6in sub, double turkey, lettuce, tomato, mustard
Subway apples

Special K 90 Calorie Bar (strawberry)
1 Serving of Turkey

Arby's Large Roastbeef Sandwich

At this point that gives me:
147.1 grams of protein
232.4 grams of carb
54.6 grams of fat (18 saturated)
Calorie count - 1936.4

I think the Arby's was a definite BAD choice. I'll do better tomorrow. In fact I might even go for a quick "walk" right now to burn some extra calories... then it's homework time!!


Unknown said...

Congrats on you first CF workout! Before you know it you'll rowing a 1000m and doing overhead squats. I definitely know tough eating out can be... I'm horrible at choosing wisely when eating out. I always do the "if I'm paying for it I don't want something I make at home" thing in my head. I like the comment about "it's not your last meal", as I also all too often think to myself "I won't be having this again for a while so might as well enjoy it"... except that "a while" is never very long.

