Posted by MJ on 7:56 PM

Day 23- Biggest Loser 30-Day JumpStart

Today's advice is all about getting exercise "accidentally" or while you're busy doing something else. Examples are - doing jumping jacks during commercials, or parking far from where you're going and walking the extra 100 yards or whatever.

I did that today - the parking bit. But unfortunately I don't think I'll be able to do it anymore (at least on my crazy daily routine. -- I need every SECOND I can to get to my classes. Of course I'll be getting extra exercise as I am essentially power walking across the parking lots. Luckily my two profs that straddle my very short commute time and both very understanding. I think it will work out great. (total miles today -- in my car -- 150+!!!)

After class I stopped out at "The Barn" and talked to Toby about Cross Fit. I'm really excited. I'm definitely going tomorrow to start! I have also decided (as it should be) I'm going to give this a try 100% - that means their diet, their program, everything!

As I was driving home I just felt like this IS RIGHT. This fits who I AM. This is who I want to be. I want to be trained, buff, strong, thin, fit person. -- not just skinny. I've even been thinking of how I can continue to go once class is done, once school has started... and what happens after I move?

I will ruminate on these and many more ideas at a later date. Unfortunately I'm quite tired and have 8 proofs to solve for tomorrow.

Exercise Day 23- technically Monday is my rest day. I was going to work out, but as I mentioned I am really tired, and I want to get up extra early tomorrow.. and I'm sure I'll get my butt kicked tomorrow! =)

Burpees Day 8 - On my way to do them right now! -- DONE!


Unknown said...

Wow... you get a whole barn, we have a box ;-)

