Posted by MJ on 9:07 PM

Day 22- Biggest Loser 30-day JumpStart

According to the Biggest Loser, (and common sense) it is important to take time to "replenish your soul." They suggest writing letters, playing with pets, reflecting on the great things about your day, etc.
I believe that blogging is one way for me to do this. It makes me stop and reflect on my day, my journey, my progress, MY LIFE. I know I don't take enough time for myself and I'm going to start. I will allow myself to indulge in things I LIKE to do -- the things I forget that I like to do -- like being outdoors, hiking, photographing things, golfing (more on this in a minute), playing Sims, playing on the Wii. I will not be slave to the world anymore, I will make time to have fun. (and fun can be exercise too!) 18 holes golfing -- using a riding cart, can still burn OVER 1000 CALORIES! (9 holes walking will burn approx 660!!) but that doesn't feel like a workout - I like to golf!

Exercise Day 22-
Today I went golfing. My walk this morning didn't happen. We tee'd off at 10:30 ish and finished at 4:30 -- that's about 6 hours of sunshine, exercise, and FUN! I also umm.. ALMOST had a hole in one. For those of you in the area... that's Mill Creek South #7, 138 yards, 6 iron. (and YES, I made the putt!)

I also helped Dad unload a bunch of stuff from the trailer and haul it to the curb (and the back patio) --heavy stuff, too, I might add.

Burpees Day 7-
Whew. A whole week. 28 Burpees. 7 today, this is getting tougher. I was in a full sweat by the time I was done. But I am noticing difference in my body already! Thanks Ben!!


