Posted by MJ on 10:27 PM

Wow what a day.
I started with a Run/Walk in the park. 3K 26:40 (fastest EVER!)
*widget coming soon*

Then I headed to class, took a math test (I think I did ok).

Next was CrossFit. I had a mini-(almost)meltdown. I was near tears of frustration, my hand hurt and my body forgot how to do a squat. But Toby was very patient and worked with me and then I did the WOD. Umm.. wow. I hope Sepi wasn't offended. I wasn't frustrated with him-- just myself - I just kinda took it out on him, sorry =( (I also hope he doesn't mind me calling him Sepi)

3 Rounds.
Carry 2 10lb weights with fingers to the end of the driveway and back (about 100m)
Do 60 step up onto a box (30 each leg lead)
Do 15 Push Press (just wBar, about 35lbs)

My muscles were BURNING.

I texted Ben and told him I was giving up on burpees. It was too much. He told me NO. (actually he told me "no.. no .. no." I was on my way to the Kent gym to shower before our picnic, but when I got there, I did my 22 burpees.. then showered. Thanks Ben!!

The picnic was great. We ate well, sat around the fire, played baggo- cornhole whatever (I made my first "hole in one")

As I was driving home, I realized how good I felt and how glad I was that I didn't quit the burpees and how great it will be when I finish day 100 and know that I did ALL OF THEM. So with that.. I'm heading to bed...


Irene said...

I'm so impressed with the 22 burpees. Do you do them all in one shot or do you break them up and catch a breather before doing a few more? I break them up.

MJ said...

I generally do them together (within the same half hour or so) but I chunk them, or take a little break about half way through. Today I did 8, then another 4, then 3 more groups of 4. all of which took me less than 15 minutes. (I'm up to 25 tomorrow!) I'm sure as the number grows, I'll start chunking even more.. perhaps across the whole day!

