Posted by MJ on 9:13 PM

Well I know I'm behind on my "Mondays". Actually, I'm more behind in reporting it, I've been doing them. On Friday I hope to have more than 10 minutes to think, and I will get all updated.

CrossFit Today
Warm Up
200m run
skip x25
x5 frog series

(I forget what it was called- but it was brutal.) We had to do as many reps as possible in each station. We were at each station for 1 minute, we then immediately moved to the next station. We did three rounds of each of the 5 stations.
Sprint (about 40 yards)
SA KB alt swings (10lb)
Row (counting calories)
Sledge Hits (kinda fun!)
In 15 minutes I did a total of 133. And considering the first two rounds I did a grand total of 2 dips, that wasn't so bad.

I did run in my five-fingers. I don't think I'll be running long distances in them, but they work for the stuff we do at CrossFit. -- no shock absorption!--

I then did 23 burpees and decided that Friday or Saturday, when I don't have a crossfit workout to kill me, I'll do my make-up 20.

When I got home from class I went for a hike to scout out part of the trail. (3k in 30:52) --with rain!

**Frustrated. I've taken roughly 10 college math classes in my life. I have ONE this session that has had me near tears in 2 of the last 3 classes. I'm so frustrated in it. I think there are a few reasons -- 1.) The professor is Indian and hard to understand. 2.) He assumes we are all math geniuses that remember EVERYTHING about geometry (the class I took in 2002) and how to prove everything. 3.) He's never taught this class before and it's not "his cup of tea" ugh. I have exactly 10 more days. I know I can do it. I'm just overly frustrated and I need to STOP taking out my frustration on myself (in the form of Wendy's Toffee Frosties).

Test Results -- as handed back 62/100 (I defended my answers to earn back another 16 points) right now I have 78/100 if I do my corrections I can get up to an 89. grr.

I've been claiming that I'm going to bed early for the last 2 weeks. Tonight I am. Now. 9:22 PM (Ok I'll give myself until 9:30)

I also found something that I truly found delicious... only to realize it's probably not really that good for me. ... turkey bacon. Darn.


