Posted by MJ on 9:45 PM

I did it. or was at least really close! I had a great 2 block "snack" before my crossfit workout. A great 3 block breakfast after it. A 3 block lunch between classes, a zone bar snack and a good dinner. Dinner is my "almost" I went to Red Lobster. I ate 1 chicken breast and 2 shrimp, my salad, some mashed potatoes, two rolls. It was a tad high on carb, but I also brought home 1 chicken breast, 4 shrimp, and half my potatoes!!

I was kinda tired earlier but as the day went on I felt better and better. I don't know if it's realizations about my life, a new calm in my math class, the food combination, or maybe a combination of all of the above. But tonight I can say without a doubt, for the first time in a LONG time. I'm content. Maybe even happy.

I've tried to explain why I like crossfit so much. Why I want to train like this, how I can put in terms people can understand. I've used examples like Survivor and that new movie coming out, but today I realized what it REALLY was. (not that I ACTUALLY want to do this... but ...) I want to BE ABLE to compete (competently) on American Gladiators. I loved that show back in the day and I used it as inspiration when I was "running" on the elliptical. I want to be able to do stuff like that!! That's why I like CrossFit. It's helping me be like that!

Todays' warm-up
750m row
agility practice

150 jumping pull-ups (for time)
After every 2 minutes, we owed 100m rowing.
I finished with a time of 9:42
therefore I also did an original 400m row.

Plus I did my 24 burpees.


