Posted by MJ on 10:42 PM
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Well this weekend has been... not exactly as planned

Friday. My plans got changed due to my own laziness as well as my Aunt's scavenger hunt for wedding pictures. (My cousin, Jason, got married on Saturday and she needed some pics of my grandparents and parents-- so I was on a hunt to track them down) Then we had the Rehearsal, the Rehearsal Dinner and didn't get home until 10 or so.

(my cousin Chris's daughter.. isn't she adorable?!?!)

I did do my 19 burpees before we left!!

Saturday. I got up early with intentions of running (or at least doing my burpees) before I left to get my hair done. But as usual, I let my "brainy" project take my time, as I was uploading and ordering photos for my aunts and cousins. I got my hair done (do I have a pic? nope!) then went to the wedding (beautiful!!) I didn't even mess up the prayer I had to read in front of everyone! In between the wedding and reception I ran to several Walgreens and Walmart to pick up pictures and create albums for my aunt and cousin (from a baby shower) and for my Aunt - mother of the groom, and the newlyweds of the rehearsal/dinner and the ceremony for my Aunt. =) I'm crazy like that. Then was the reception. -- always a bittersweet occasion. I always feel out of place at those.

Notes about pics:
-- Confetti was umm.. fun to clean up (and out of updo's to get ready for pics!!!
-- This is my all time favorite pic to take. This is where the bride first emerges from the back of the church and the groom sees her for the first time. I get chills, it says so much about the groom!! (I get funny looks too... since I'm always looking the wrong way.)

Burpees? Nope. Run? Nope. Electric Slide? Yep!

Sunday. So no problem all I HAD to do today was get ready for a math test and do my 41 burpees. Could I manage just that? of course not! Ok maybe it wasn't that bad, I let myself procrastinate until 7:50. Yeah.. still in pj's. I did get some bills paid and phone calls made ... reconnecting with longlost relatives =)

But at 7:50 I went down and did my 21 burpees for today and then convinced mom to go for a walk. (2.56 km). Then we went to see St. Charles' fireworks. It was actually one of the best displays I've seen in a long time. There were a few "new" fireworks I've never seen before.

So tonight.. I AM going to bed early... right now....

(I still owe 20 burpees)


