Posted by MJ on 8:17 PM

I have so much catching up to do... geez.

First, I got my first Amber Alert yesterday. I was not useful in finding the child (although the alert was canceled within 5 mins -- so that's good) but I felt like a good person just being alerted to the situation. The situation was actually on the other side of the state -- but hey, with the amount that I'm traveling who knows!

I'm still very excited. I love it. It's EXACTLY what I needed. Yesterday I jumped rope for the first time since I was in elementary school - and guess what? I'm pretty good at it!!

I also did agility work (and felt pretty competent there too!)

Today I did pull ups and jumped on boxes (well actually 2 weights stacked) and I ran, and did situps, plus some rowing... and of course my burpees (see below.)

I need to change my mentality and CrossFit is helping with that. I need to start thinking about TRAINING to be a FIT, ATHLETIC person and not that I'm working out to lose weight. I have to trust that the weight loss will be a postive side effect of the training I'm doing. I've been working on this and it's really nice not having that FOCUS on weight loss. Of course it's also hard because I see as I'm working into these workouts I don't get the same calorie burn rates. But -- I remember that the more BUFF I get, the more efficient my body will be at burning calories.
Ok Official Cross Fit Exercise Log

Wed 6/17

Warm Up:
Burgener WU
15 minute game of Dodgeball . .Bring It! (our game was pretty pathetic)

Skill: Agility Drills

3 rounds
SDHP (KB) x 15 (20lb)
JumpRope x 50

(I don't remember my time)

10 Burpees

Thur 6/18
Warm Up
500m Row
Burgener WU

Box Jumps x20 (2 weights stacked)
Jump Pull Ups x15 (box & 2 weights)

3 Rnds
Run 100
x 15 Jump Pull Ups
x 15 AbMat Situps

11 Burpees
Update on Burpees:
Yesterday I did the first 4 easily, then grunted through the rest.
Today I did the first 5 easily, took a break and did some other work, then had a lull in my workout so I went back and did the last 6 -- not easily, but not impossible either. YAY!

Yesterday I also bought a new pair of hiking sandals and I ordered new workout shoes! I can't wait to go hiking!! I also learned about this trail race - The Youngstown Ultra Trail Classic- that is practically in my own backyard and I'm pumped, I think I'm gonna do it!! It's 25K!(there is also a 50k option, but I'm not that crazy!) Yes, you read that right! I will definitely need to train...and learn about trail running, since it's different from running and hiking.
The workout shoes (Vibram Five Fingers) are a little strange looking. They are designed to feel like you are barefoot, but they still protect your feet from stuff! I don't usually like the "toe'd" thing, but I really like the idea and think as soon as I get used to it, I'll love it!!!
I found all of these at a great running store - The Vertical Runner in Hudson. (the owner also happens to be a member of CrossFit!) -- I don't know what color I'll actually get -- this one would be great though!


Unknown said...

"I need to start thinking about TRAINING to be a FIT, ATHLETIC person and not that I'm working out to lose weight. " ... This is the issue I had and is partly why I switched back to a regular old gym workout for while. But it didn't take long for me to realize how much I missed CrossFit and head back to the box ;-) it really is quite a different way of thinking, especially for me as I've never really had the athlete mentality. But like I said on my blog and what you said... I can see CF getting me ready to do things I want to be doing, while I can not say the same fir the office gym.

Oh, and a 25k... WOW!

