Posted by MJ on 10:58 AM
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So I've decided to give TheZone eating plan a try. I've read most of "Enter the Zone", read CrossFit's mini-guide to it (and if you are curious about which frame-size you are - this site shows you how to find out.), and flipped through several other Zone related books and websites.

Dr. Sears' Main Site
- Has information about The Zone, as well as other health related news, like how Cheerios is now in trouble for advertising its "lowering cholesterol abilities."

Dr. Sears' The Zone - Dr. Sears is the guy who did the research and developed the plan. This is the site dedicated to The Zone's products and supplements. If you register (for free) you can plug in your stats and find out your number of blocks!

FormulaZone-I subscribed but think I might cancel. It is a site designed to allow you find tons of recipes and plug them into your meal plan and it will calculate for you. Although, it gave me meal block plans like 5! It also doesn't allow you to just build a meal, the way I did this morning. They have a 14day money-back guarantee, I think I'm going to take them up on it. If I can't find a site that allows you to build meals, I'll just have to go back to my trusty spreadsheet!

By my deductions, my meals should be 3 blocks and my snacks 2.

I just made breakfast and realized that this is A LOT of FOOD! I still have tweaking and learning to do, obviously, but here's what I came up with for breakfast:

3 scrambled eggs
1 apple
1/2 cup grapes
1 1/2 tsp of peanut butter

(and I also tried one blueberry -- I had never had one before, it was pretty good, but I can't imagine eating a 1/2 cup of them. -- maybe if they were IN something that would be ok!)

I have to research a little about "natural peanut butter" -- not sure what the difference is. I also noticed that my peanut butter was reduced fat, which kind of defeats the point of it being my fat block.

So that's where I stand now. I did my 12 burpees yesterday. Today I have to do 13, plus I'm going kayaking.. I'm excited!


