Posted by MJ on 8:23 PM

So... this weekend had it's ups and downs.
I was all psyched to go kayaking, but the trip was canceled due to high water. What's up with that??!? Weren't we gonna be in a boat anyway? lol
I ate two meals according to the Zone and my stomach was bothering me... then so was my head. Mom and I went to see the Proposal (I liked it) but when I got home I went straight to bed with a migraine. blah. I slept most of the rest of the evening. When I woke up I was afraid to do my burpees -- blood rushing to head, migraine all over... didn't want to chance it. So instead I went to try a new Wendy's Toffee Coffee Twisted Frosty (way too tasty for my own good) I also went to Barnes and Noble and got a new Zone book -- 100 top foods. I skimmed it in the parking lot before I went to Giant Eagle and loaded up on GOOD FOOD.

Got up and did my Sunday burpees and one extra (starting to catch up on Sat's), went to church with my parents, and then to Bob Evans...
3 eggs
3 halves of toast with butter and jam (<1 tsp of each) water (not a perfect zone, but pretty good) Then Dad and I went to the car show and walked around for about 4 hours. I ate a Zone Perfect Bar. Then we picked up roots from the back yard (don't ask) Mom brought home pizza. I gave in. =( then I went back to Wendy's for another frosty!! ugh. Had a zone snack and went to bed. (after about 3 hours of homework)

Today started out excellently! (I think)
Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1 cup applesauce (unsweetened) w/cinnamon, 6 pistachios, 1/2 piece of wheat toast with 1/3 tsp butter Lunch: 2 string cheese, 1 egg, 1/2 cup applesauce, 9 pistachios, 20 grapes
Snack: ZonePerfect bar
Workout Dinner (bad): Wendy's frosty, single with cheese, ketchup, mustard, 1/2 small fry. After Workout Dinner (good?): Subway MINI sub (wheat, turkey, lettuce, tomato) only ate 1/2 the bread, bag of apples, 12 oz 1% milk, 9 pistachios. CrossFit. I had thought about going golfing instead, but I'm really glad I went to CrossFit. I made some new friends, and kicked my own butt!! I'm sore. =)
I realized in watching the previews at the movies Saturday, that I want to be able to kick @ss! (there's a new movie coming out -- A Perfect Getaway . It made me think, essentially - if I were on that island, would I be able to survive? ) Could I outrun, tumble, kayak, swim, fight to save my life or would I be so out of shape that I would be the first one done? I decided that currently it would probably be the latter, but I'm on a mission to change that. I WILL BE KICK @SS strong, flexible, agile, etc.

Today's Workout:
400 m run
Windmill KB 5x each 10lb
Single Arm (SA) Kettlebell (KB) 10x each 10lb
SA KB 5lb
Ab Mat
Kettlebell Sumo Squat 20lb

and of course-- 15 burpees plus 6 owed from Saturday (I still owe 6 more)


