Posted by MJ on 12:33 AM

Tonight I saw NKOTB -- Awesome -- as expected.
On the way into the concert (and leaving) a strange phenomenon happened. It's no secret, I'm short and therefore also happen to have short legs. Usually I have to make a conscious effort to keep up with those that are taller than me. Now I know we weren't racing or anything but on the way in I found myself easily passing one group after another, and I wasn't rushing or even out of breath. I was just walking what I thought was my normal pace. But it was much faster than I used to walk... cool. (I credit CrossFit -- for killing my legs and making them stronger)

Speaking of Cross Fit. I screwed up today, I got there a little late and had to cut my workout a little short so that I wouldn't be TOO late to class.

1 min Jump Rope
Group Dynamic workout (lunges, etc)
agility (foot ladder)

3 Rounds
200 m (was supposed to be 400 m) run
15 air squats
15 box jumps

I completed in 11:48 (I think)

This evening before going to the concert I did my 16 burpees for the day, plus the 6 I owed. I am now completely caught up!! Yay.

But right now I'm EXHAUSTED and going to bed. g'night.


