Posted by MJ on 11:03 PM

(refer to the very end of the blog for explanation of the title =) )
Wow. This crazy schedule sure is making the time fly. I just looked at the clock -- after 11 already, YIKES.
Guess I'll make this short.

I got my Five Fingers today! Took me 30 mins to get them on for the first time. and 9/10 toes were happy -- darn little one on the left foot wouldn't quite go in right. I'm practicing though!
My Shoes -- even got a color I liked!

Today's WOD
Burgener's Warmup
Mini Tabata (20 secs/10 secs)
push-ups: 9-6-5-4
ab mats: 8 -5-5-6

Deadlifts (bar only) - 10 - 8 - 6- 4 -2
JumpRope - 50 -40 -30 -20- 10
Time: 6:16 (I think)

Plus my 17 burpees!

New Supplements I'm going to try (recommended by Dr. Sears in "The Top 100 Zone Foods"

Vitamin E
Why Supplement: It's very difficult to get the amount of Vitamin E necessary to get all the benefits without a supplement. (seed oils have the most vitamin E, but we aren't supposed to eat a LOT of those)
What it's good for: It's an anti-oxidant (neutralizes free radicals - which can induce inflammation or destroy healthy cells) Also can be beneficial with Heart Disease and Alzheimer's (as well as others)
How Much: The standard recommended amount is 8 IU for females (10 for males) however studies show that optimal health benefits are reached ONLY when Vitamin E intake is greater than 100IU per day!). Dr. Sears recommends 400 IU, which is only one softgel per day.

Omega 3 Fish Oil
Why Supplement: To get enough Omega-3 fatty acids, a person would have to eat one or two fish meals a day. (
What it's good for: Helps keep brain, cardiovascular system, and immune system functioning at peak performance. Studies are also showing that it can influence the DHA (docosahexanenoic acid) in the bloodstream which can influence intelligence, brain function, and even help treat (prevent) depression. EPA (another acid) can help decreasing inflammation and reducing the bad eicosanoids. (read one of Dr. Sears' books to understand eicosanoids -- but they {the bad ones} are believed to be causes of heart disease, arthritis, ms, depression, and cancer )
How much: Dr. Sears recommends 6 to 10 grams of fish oil per day. (this give us about 2 to 3 grams of long chain Omega-3 fatty acids) It's also recommended that you get some that's cholesterol free (I didn't this time, oops.) ok so in a nutshell... this equals out to 6 to 10 capsules per day. The bottle recommends meal time with a glass of water.

At least it's in pill form and not Cod Liver Oil

Cod Liver Oil - Great Big Sea


