Posted by MJ on 10:29 PM
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Day 11- Biggest Loser 30-Day Jumpstart

Day 10 Blog has been updated.

Feelings. The Biggest Loser Gurus warn that during this transformation period I may experience feelings that I'm not used to. They suggest letting those feelings flow, acknowledging them, and accepting them. And I guess most importantly -- don't use food to deal with those feelings.

As of yet I haven't had too many feelings with regard to weight loss stuff. I mean, I actually jumped up and down when I hit 3k the other day and as I see the number going down on the scale I feel my self-esteem rising a bit. But overall I don't have the HUGE emotions that are suggested --- at least not yet. Right now I'm still in the baby step process -- where I'm excited and proud over little things, like passing that fast food restaurant or hitting a distance goal.

But I will be open to the emotions if/when they come.

Day 11 - Exercise
Today was our Math Fair at school. the 4th and 5th graders set up 21 games for the kids in grades k-3 to come play. I, of course, orchestrated the whole shin dig. After being up until 1am last night and up early to finish setting up, and being on my feet, in the HOT gym all day long, I was exhausted when I came home. The last thing on my mind was going to workout. I took a short nap (that turned out to be 90 minutes long!) When I got up I contemplated not working out and maybe doing 2 runs tomorrow. But then I remembered I've been doing so well. I have a star on every day since May 12 and it would seem a waste to let that record fall. So I decided I would go and even if I didn't go as fast, it would be something. It would be worth it.

My walk was pretty slow for the first 5 or 10 minutes, then I started feeling more awake and started pushing myself more. Overall, I still fell within the norm of where my walks have been.


