Posted by MJ on 7:01 PM

Day 3 - Biggest Loser 30-Day Jumpstart

Today's advice focuses on minimizing your schedule, foregoing some extras in the interest of devoting more time to getting healthy. It just so happens that in my life right now, this is the PERFECT time for this to happen.
Monday night, my college classes ended. I'm taking summer classes but that doesn't start until June 15 -- which is after my 30 day jumpstart will be over. The only things I HAVE to do between now and then are going to school (work) - which ends June 1.
Wow... that's really all that's REQUIRED. The rest of my time is free for whatever I want to do. My schedule could not be more free. =)

I guess I have no room for excuses now. This also relates to the goal of Monday 1. I need to use my time better, I tend to waste a lot of it.

Exercise Day 3 -

I am often confused by my outings. Today according to my devices (bodybugg) I worked harder than yesterday -- but I didn't go as far. Hmm. The bottoms of my feet still hurt, I can't wait until they don't so that I can push myself even further. It's amazing to me how I can walk almost as far as I was going when I had running intermixed, which tells me I was walking way too slow between running segments. I like this new training idea and I hope it works. If I can get consistent and even to the point of "walking" 3k easily, then I can add the running in and keep the walking segments at the faster pace.


