Posted by MJ on 5:34 PM
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Monday 1 - What Matters Most

1. Stop and Think -- make a list of what matters most.
2. Create a list of how you spend your time.
3. Organize the list by priority
4. Rearrange your schedule to match your priorities
5. Don't waste time.

For starters - #5 will be my hardest -- I've realized I waste a lot of time, I don't mean to, I have the best of intentions, but nevertheless I waste a lot of time.

Task 1: What matters to me. What would I like to spend my time on.

  • I would love to spend time with family and friends, doing fun things, not just sitting around watching tv.
  • I would like to do what I need to to be a successful teacher
  • I would like to spend more time doing volunteer work - I miss Circle K
  • I want to take more pictures -- for fun... of things I like -- go hiking to exotic places to take pictures, catch that great lightning bolt, etc.
  • I want to spent time working out, golfing, getting fit, etc.
Task 2: How I spend my time now... Well that is hard to say. My schedule just changed drastically since my college class ended and school is wrapping up. But a typical week this past semester looked like this:
  • Time spent at work(school): 41 hours
  • Time spent in my car: 12 hours
  • Time spent in class: 6 hours
  • Time spent sleeping: 42 hours
  • Time spent on work -- outside of work: 10 hours
  • Time spent watching tv -- and nothing else*: 2 hours (*I usually work on stuff on the computer while watching tv)
  • Time spent with family and friends: <10>
Task 3: Organize my list by priority. This will be tough. Right now I guess my top priority would be my health and getting that in its proper place so that I can do all the rest of the things for a LONG time.

In order:
  • Workout, golf, etc
  • Time with family, friends
  • Volunteer Work
  • Career
  • Hobbies -- including photography, hiking, skating, scrapbooking
Task 4: Re-arrange life to match priorities.
As I said, since classes ended I have some time to re-arrange things, however classes start again June 15. At that time, due to my desire to pursue my other goals later this summer, I need to have classes at a top priority. Right now I will say that I am leaving school as soon as I can, I'm making sure I workout and blog about it. I'm making sure I do my "Mondays" and I'm going to try to figure out how to work the rest in. I won't have much free time in June and July.

Task 5: Don't waste time. This is a toughy but I'll work on it. =) for the record, I don't consider blogging a waste of time. I have found that I do better with health concerns (losing weight, eating better, working out) if I blog about them.


