Posted by MJ on 9:50 PM

Day 5 - Biggest Loser 30-day JumpStart

It's important to have people who will support you and not sabotage you when you are trying to become a new person. I have been trying to decide who I can trust and who -- even though they may be well intentioned-- don't quite respond correctly. I have a small group of friends at work that will be encouraging and helpful during the school year... although sadly three of them may not be there next year =( . I have very few actual friends in this area.. one to be exact. And I don't want to hold him to anything as he and his girlfriend just moved in together and he's trying to adjust to a new "instant" family. But I'm hoping I'll still be able to count on him to help me with more social side of my transformation. He helps me "get out there" and live. =)

My ideal team would include another individual who has been an unending stream of support -- even in the worst times possible-- when I was successfully losing weight in the past. Unfortunately, I think things are still a bit awkward for us and I don't think he can be as helpful as he was before. I don't blame him... and I do still hear his words of encouragement in my head and I can't wait to show him how much I've accomplished. (**although if he happens to read this and thinks he can help -- I'm all ears =) **)

I suppose some obvious choices for team members would be my parents. -- especially since I'm living with them-- but I don't know if they are in the right "place" to be supports for me. They don't seem to know what the right things to say are and tend to push my buttons easily. Dad is trying to figure things out for himself -- and I'm trying to be supportive for him. I would love for us to be a team of 3 tackling being healthy... but Mom doesn't have the same excitement and energy for it that I do, and that Dad is trying to have. She wants us to eat healthy but doesn't want to take the time to learn about what TRULY healthy is. (just because it doesn't have trans fats doesn't mean it's good for you...) I'm trying. I bring healthy food into the house... and it gets eaten (which is good) it just gets frustrating when it's NOT there, when I want to eat it.

So where does that leave me? Considering the following people for my "team":

  • Melissa -- who is embarking on her own weight loss journey (in New York)
  • Ben - who has been hugely successful on his journey (in California)
  • Michelle - if she can, she just had a baby, and I'm sure will be quite busy (in California)
I guess that should be my first real quest... find some locals to join my team =) I have found that finding people who truly understand is the problem.
Day 5 Exercise -
Just as I was about to head out.. the rain poured. So I waited. At least that meant when I went, I had the park to myself. =) It was a pleasant jaunt, thinking about all kinds of things... religion, nature, life, journeys, rain.
Tiger Woods came on my iPod and told me I went my fastest mile, but I don't think that's possible. I'll have to investigate that further. I'll post my graph as soon as I get it uploaded.


