Posted by MJ on 11:05 PM

Day 16 - Biggest Loser 30-Day Jumpstart.
In the spirit of getting sleep and the fact that we have "field day" tomorrow. I'm going to head to bed and blog about this tomorrow. I will catch up sooner or later. ** I did finish yesterday's blog**
Day 16- Exercise
*had a migraine -ish today. I managed to cut it short, but I felt drained as I went for my run. BUT I WENT! I also bought the new Wii-Sports Active thingy do. I'll have to try it out this weekend.

My run:

The dip is where I swear there was something stuck to my shoe... I stopped to investigate - there was NOTHING there.. frustrating!

Migraine note - most likely brought on by tiredness from night before and waiting too long to eat this evening. Pressure changes in the atmosphere don't help either - storms rolling through. Took 2 aleve. Headache tolerable in less than 20 minutes, completely gone shortly after my run -- about an hour after taking them.


