Posted by MJ on 11:58 PM
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Day 15 - Biggest Loser 30-Day Jumpstart

[Long Day... will report in tomorrow. (double) -- Zzzzz is the real topic for today too! I'm going to catch some and fill this in later. =)

Goodnight! ]

I've known this for years. This is one of the hardest for me. It is highly recommended that people get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep. I love sleep. That's not the problem. The problem is that I'm a night owl (it's 10:40 right now) and I have a job that requires me to be out the door by 7:30 am. I am working on it. As you may know I've been tracking my sleep (in the far right column, down towards the bottom) This is very much a work in progress and hopefully I'll get a handle on it and it will help me lose weight!

About my day: I wasted time. I've been getting caught up in "workplace drama" this week and I've allowed MANY precious hours to go to waste because of it. I was at school till 6:30 and really got nothing productive done. I had to run to Walmart after school to drop off come pictures (the upload feature wasn't working correctly) and then as soon as I got home (8:15) my mom asked me to run her to Home Depot. We got home around 9. THEN I went for my walk.

Day 15- Exercise
Because of the late hour I chose a different route - one that involved streetlights. I also wore the bike "tail light" my dad bought me. I hiked up to the elementary school that is a block from my house and then did laps around the well lit playground. It was neat walking there, the air was nice and cool, and I was surrounded by both childhood and adult memories.
- It was my elementary school. So I could envision myself running around on it when I was little. Some of the very same equipment is there, like the slide, monkey bars, and jungle gym. There are also a lot of new things.
- I had my first kiss on that very playground. probably back then.... but also my first real kiss happened there not too many years ago.
- And of course I currently teach in an elementary school so I couldn't help but compare things to our school as well as thinking about our school (and kids) in general.

My run:


Irene said...

Enjoy your rest!

