Posted by MJ on 11:25 AM
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Monday 5: Eat Healthy

According to their website, almost 700 BILLION dollars is spent on caring for diseases caused by unhealthy eating habits and "diet" aids to help fix it!

WOW. That's a lot of money. I know I've spent my share on diet aids in the past.

Their recommendations: Well, eat lots of fruits and veggies. Eat more fiber (whole grains). Eat more slowly -- so you have time to realize you're full.

The last little tip they give is the best one and I believe I may need to make it larger -- print it somewhere, where I can see it everyday. It seems like the best advice I've gotten in a long time.

EAT TO LIVE: don't live to eat.
This is so true, we should eat because we need nutrients to live, our goal in life shouldn't be eating. We should plan our foods, but we should not let our lives revolve around food.

(I also thought this was an appropriate topic for my "getting back on track" this week!)


