Posted by MJ on 9:36 PM

Day 20 - Biggest Loser 30-Day JumpStart

Today is about pushing yourself and doing things that you NEVER thought you would be able to do. I can see this. My becoming a RUNNER is a prime example. I wouldn't believe that I could do that before, but I'm going to. I've competed (and completed) two 5ks and I plan on doing more.

Exercise Day 20-
I did go for a run today. I went a little faster than the other day, I'm feeling back in the swing of things. I'm starting to ACT AS IF I'm a thin person who naturally goes to workout everyday. Today was a little cooler and not as muggy as the other day, that was nice.

The dip is where my phone rang.. .and I had to see who it was, since Dad was in the midst of cleaning out the gutters... had to make sure all was ok. It turned out to be my cousin - I called him back later.

Burpees Day 5
Wow. I've done 15 Burpees already. 5 today! It was SURPRISING that the first 3 really weren't bad today. I don't know if I can go as far as to say they were EASY, but they were much easier than the past few days. The last 2 still kicked my butt. I realized that this was a prime example of me ACTING AS IF I were a thin, fit person because really... what overweight person do you know would agree to a 100 day burpee challenge? =)

I also meant to mention a few days ago, I happened to turn on NCIS and at the very moment I heard the Naval Officer barking orders for his men to "give me 20 more burpees" and they were doing them!! of course they didn't do the jump at the end, but still... burpees somewhere in the "real world" -- ok a tv world, but it's based on reality right?


